Whether you’re an athlete, artist, or even a regular Joe, everyone has celebrity crushes and fans of famous people. So owning merchandise from your favorite celebrity feels like everything in the world. Everything has great value in the market, from their signatures to their possessions. Suppose you wish to know about the most expensive autographs by celebrities and personalities. In that case, you are in the right place because, in this article, we have jotted down some of the most extravagant autographs by famous personalities worth millions of dollars.
John F Kennedy
JFK’s ‘last’ autograph is one of the most exquisite ones in the history of America. He was killed on November 22, 1963, before which the former President signed on a copy of the Dallas Morning News paper previewing his and the first lady’s visit to the city. His last autograph then raised eyebrows and was sold for $39,000. However, once the word spread, the same autograph was later resold at a much higher price of $53,775.
Jesse James
Jesse James is famous as Robin Hood, who followed his outlaw style. One of the primary reasons for his autograph’s popularity was that he was never a fan of signing anything due to the price on his head. However, he once signed the only photo of him, which was finally sold in 2011 for over $50,000. It is still owned by the person who bought the extravagant photo of James with his autograph.
Sir Albert Einstein
Einstein needs no introduction. He is a famous physicist who helped humanity with his famous discovery of the existence of gravity and many others. In 1925, he wrote a letter to Giovanni Giorgi, his engineer. The letter also had his signature, which was sold in 2015 at $75,000. In this letter, Einstein wrote about his discovery in the theory of relativity and the creation of God, which is both intelligent and elegant.
Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix is a famous guitar icon who duped many of the other famous singers’ contracts and typically robbed them of their royalties and revenues. He also signed agreements with the PPX Enterprise in 1965, closing a deal with 1% of their music sales. Although the contract led to a battle, his fans were mesmerized to find his signature on the sheet, and it was sold in an auction for $191,000.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
He is an icon of the Lost Generation literary and had a massive fan following during his time. Recently, his auctioned book was sold for $191,000 in 2015. It was his first edition of the famous novel ‘The Great Gatsby.’ This book is still on many bookshelves even today.
Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth was an icon during his time, and one of his baseballs was signed after a match was earlier sold for $86,000. However, the recent re-auction held for the piece was sold for $388,375.
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